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level 1
I think the biggest annoyance about Rosberg’s YouTube channel is the feeling that it could be so much better.
Hopefully now that Hamilton and Verstappens responses seemed to have made him rethink his approach we might get to see more of that potential realised.
level 2
I actually had to unsubscribe due to all the clickbait titles and such. I love Palmer’s analysis, Rosberg I am sure has loads of really insightful comments to make but he seems to go down the route of cheap clicks rather than meaningful discussion. It may get him views but for me it was too much and it got irritating to watch.
level 2
Not just Rosberg, Jacques is the real example of this too.
level 2
I think on the whole his content is good, he’s obviously well connected and does some cool things and has some (usually) interesting insight. It’s just that he’s hired a couple of knobs to maximize clicks on his channel with things like stupid thumbnails and annoying editing. If anything, I wish he just stuck with his podcast which is quite good.
level 2
At the end of the day this sport is more about who your daddy is.
level 1
Funniest commentator burn since Alonso murdered Herbert on live TV.
level 2
I can still feel that one. It was perfect.
level 2
Does anyone have a good quality link? I can only find the recoding someone made from their TV using their smart phone and the sound is pretty atrocious.
level 1
Shots fired. But I agree.
Rosberg left to be with family, etc, but keeps hanging around the sport.
level 2
Kimi said the same thing about Rosberg last year. If he left to be with his family why is he at every race
level 2
What a uninformed statement. There’s a lot of difference between commentating or analyzubg races for a bit over an hour every two weeks then working for a team 24/7 with all the testing, factory involvement, hours of simulator driving each day, PR work and working out daily to keep your body in shape. Nico barely has to do a quarter of the work now compared to then.
level 2
Criticizing people for being around the sport they love and whose story they’re a part of, by far the most negative forum on sports I’ve seen online so far.
level 2
Rosberg can do whatever the fuck he wants. Why should he only do what lord Lewis allows? Piss off.
level 2
To spend more time with family. Not to sit at home with the kids. They probably only making Nico more relevant with this push back. Streisand effect.
level 2
Lol you dont think he has more time doing this than being a driver?