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level 1
Whew, takes balls to run out there during the race.
level 2
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11 points · 3 hours ago
A brake failure for that car would’ve brought him pretty much right on top of those guys.
level 1
I like how the crowd cheered for him when he returned safely.
level 2
Original Poster260 points · 12 hours ago · edited 7 minutes ago
we did it every time and boooed any driver who did knock the bollards down again afterwards
level 2
yeah a crash on the straight like this would have been disastrous
OR Ericsson’s crash here in FP2 last year
level 1
How can that be safe. If two cars have an accident at the end of the straight he will be right in their trajectory. Think Ericson a couple of years ago
level 2
They would have only gone out when no cars were coming
level 2
That’s why they’re running
level 2
How can that be safe.
it’s not
level 2
Ive sat in that corner in the past, they only do it in the first fase of the race when the field is still close together. Once all the cars have passed there is plenty of time.
level 2
1 Marshall fixing the bollard each time someone struck it down, happened at least a dozen time
They have one marshall who looks out for incoming cars and blows his whistle to warn the bollard -replacing marshall to return to his post. I was on turn 1 last year so I saw this happening repeatedly.
level 2
Yes. That’s why they’re heroes.
level 1
What’s wrong with the comment section? It’s quite obvious that guy is under constant observation from fellow marshals on the ramp above who monitor incoming cars and command when to run to bollards and when to run for cover
level 2
He barely made it back before the car turned the corner. If the car had an issue and went and him at high speed he would be straight in his path
level 2
What if he slips or tumbles and a car locks up?
level 1
whatever happened to no people on track when the track is active?
level 2
I have to assume they are communicating with race control to find the biggest gap in traffic to fix these.
level 2
They can be on track provided there is enough gap between the cars. You would throw a yellow tho. (that is what we are taught.)
level 1
This was awesome. The marshals were only a few metres in front if where we were sitting and the poor guy threw his hands up everytime they knocked the bollards down.