, Of the 16 – Yearlings needed for the 3, 590 Kilometer 1: (*************************************************************************************************), 590 Minutes and relegated shortly before the end of the training the Brazilian Gianluca Petecof (Prema Powerteam) on the second place. Petecof were missing 0, (********************************************************************************) Seconds on Hauger's time. Russia's Michael Belov (R-ace GP), fastest of the first practice session, finished third ahead of overall leader Theo Pourchaire (US Racing CHRS). In the title duel between Red Bull Junior Hauger and Pourchaire, the Norwegian thus a first indication. Arthur Leclerc, also third overall with realistic chances for the championship, finished seventh. (************************************************************************************************************) The drivers of the ADAC high-speed school were confronted with various track conditions during the session. At the beginning of the training the track was still dry, but after a few minutes, rain started. The time hunt was thus ended for the time being, but for the junior pilots it was about to gain important experience on a wet track. Only shortly before the end of the training, the conditions allowed for further improvements. The starting situation for qualifying (from (*****************************************************************************************************). 33 Watches promise tension.
SPORT1 shows the races of the ADAC Formula 4 on Saturday and Sunday on TV and online on SPORT1.de. All races can also be seen in the livestream on adac.de/motorsport, the Facebook page of the ADAC Formula 4 and at youtube.com/adac with German and English comments.