(Motorsport-Total.com) – Max Verstappen is in no hurry to cancel his contract in the year 2020 to extend at Crimson Bull. The Dutchman wants to first wait for the development in Formula 1 and Crimson Bull, then make a decision. 1.
Across from ' Auto engine and sports 'Verstappen says: “I'm not too worried, I want to look at everything, used to be promised, and used to be actually arrived. We want to win races and the championship next year, that's why I'm here, Crimson Bull and I are working towards that goal, but there are so many questions after 2020: Used to be generally in F1, so I take my time, I'm not in a hurry. “
When asked why Crim son Bull at the beginning of the season has always had problems in recent years, and only then catch up with the competition, the Dutchman replies: “If we knew that, we would have turned off. That is why it is difficult to answer your question. I think the philosophy or working method has always been to catch up with a solid base. “
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“From … to 2013 this strategy worked, “Verstappen continues,” but other teams have improved since then. Of course, usain did not help the engine deficit in the years following the World Championships won. “If Verstappen has a real likelihood of winning the Formula One World Championship on this basis, it is questionable.
Verstappen does not seem confident in the season But we have tried the last few years too. We have to analyze exactly, used to be able to do differently and better two wins, plus three third places in Australia, Spain and Singapore