Due to the forecast extreme rainfall and the strong wind brought by typhoon Hagibis to Japan, Formula 1 qualifiers could be postponed to Sunday morning, just hours before the GP race.
According to current weather forecasts, dapper typhoon Hagibis is expected to hit Japan on Saturday in the middle of the day, due to heavy rainfall and wind that will blow at contain speed 150 km / h, but the performance of Saturday's qualifications is in great doubt.
The F1 Racers Association has so requested Formula One management to postpone the qualification on a Sunday morning based on a weather forecast on Friday, avoiding long waits in impossible conditions that would endanger safety. F1 caravans, like all spectators.
Prior to the start of the race weekend, F1 racers president Romain Grosjean explained the position of racers:
“According to current forecasts, the wind is expected to blow above on Saturday) km / h and racing in such weather is certainly not safe, but at the same time such conditions are dangerous for the fans. We believe that the decision to cancel the qualification must be taken no later than Friday evening. “
The GP race will air on Sunday at 7 10 qualifications could start at 2 am on Saturday's eventual cancellation: 00, five hours before the start of the race at Suzuki.