r/formula1 - Jackie Stewart getting air in his Matra MS80 in the rain at the Nordschleife

level 1

Appears as if a gigantic prix legends screenshot. Perplexed…

level 2

It potentially is, the perimeters of the tyres idea methodology too provocative.

level 2

It’s now not possible to command. Is it a exact photo with shitty jpg artifacts or a render with shitty jpg artifacts. One couldn’t ever know.

level 1

This is a render from a sport that’s about 15 years used.

level 2


Also, GPL is 22 years used holy fuck when did that happen.

level 1

It genuinely is the inexperienced hell.

level 1

The rear cruise is honest comically gigantic but I cherish it

level 1

He would possibly assign his dresses on the rear cruise so that they dry sooner

level 1

Take a look at out “Marta-The Rebirth” on Amazon Top. It’s a monumental witness.

level 2

No, he drove in a Brabham for Frank Williams that twelve months.

level 1

This car and bustle became same to a child transferring exact into a laundry hamper on the top of the stairs with a pillow duct tape to his head.

“Hit upon, Mom!”

Wrathful lads!

level 1

His drive in 1968 there became the only real moist-weather drive ever in F1 history. And even F1’s excellent YouTube channel consents.

level 1

how did any drivers from this technology now not die

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