The Brazilian authorities have been feverishly seeking a way out of a contract last year between the Petrobras oil company and the Mclaren team. Both sides are now expected to reach an agreement, however, and Petrobras will definitively leave Mclaren in the next few days.
The state-owned Brazilian oil giant has entered into a sponsorship agreement with McLarn 150. million dollars, which he wanted to break after a bad year of involvement.
Brazilian Prime Minister Jair Bolsonaro confirmed to Brazil last year his intention to terminate the contract.
“Petrobras has signed a five-year contract with McLarn, and the Brazilian government is doing everything it can to break that deal. It is absolutely absurd to pay that amount for that small inscription on the helmet. This contract is meaningless and harmful to Petrobras and Brazil. “
Mclaren and Petrobras are now expected to reach an agreement to suspend cooperation and Petrobras will definitively leave Mclaren within the next few days.