(Motorsport-Entire.com) – Sixth world title, eleven wins and a record score of 413 Counters: Statistically the most successful season of his Formula 1 career for Lewis Hamilton battle 2019. With Valtteri Bottas, Mercedes also won the runner-up championship and four other victories. Unsurprisingly, the Briton gives his group a good report.

Lewis Hamilton


Lewis Hamilton celebrates a successful season with his group Zoom Salvage

“I would only on the team side give america9.6 out of ten points, “says Hamilton. That is a good value, but according to his calculation 0.4 points are missing. “Simply because there is always room for improvement and we weren't perfect all year round,” he explains. “We have not won every race and there are areas in which we could have done better.”

In addition, the six-time world champion believes it is important to always be a little critical of yourself and not in Complacency. “Never say that you are completely satisfied with your work,” he warns. “You always know that there are areas in which you can improve. And that applies to everyone.”

Lewis Hamilton: “The best Time of my life “

Lewis Hamilton meets his six world championship cars in Brackley and reflects the past years of the Success More Formula 1 movies

And how would the Mercedes driver be assess your own performance? “I'm not judging at all,” he dismisses. “But there are definitely still improvements to be made. That's for sure.”

2020 could Hamilton his seventh World Cup -Title title and thus catch up with record world champion Michael Schumacher.

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