Former F1 team boss Benetton and Renault Flavio Briatore believe Max Verstappen must first learn when to remain silent.
Verstappen has recently signed a long-term contract with the Crimson Bull, and although Briatore admits that the Dutchman is undoubtedly an extraordinary ability, he also advises him to learn, in particular, at what times it is better to remain silent.
“It's good to see him at Crimson Bull, where he is at the top of the chart and now stayed there for a long time, “ said Briatore.
“He drives really fast, knows how to constantly improve, and at the same time cares for the show.
“But Verstappen simply has to learn when to” close the muzzle “,”
added and made specific reference to a Dutch driver's comments about alleged Ferrari fraud with motor.
“ I could drop the allegations that they were cheating. First, he did not do anything useful with this statement. Second, the whole story was completely inaccurate. “
Nevertheless, Briatore believes Verstappen is the future of Formula One, and he would team up with Charles Leclerc on the Dutch team.
“If I were to form a team, I would definitely want to have Leclerc and Verstappen together. These are two racers that could win all the World Cups in the next ten years, “he said.
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