The first race day in Suzuki brought Mercedes dominance and preventative cancellation of Saturday's F1 event due to the upcoming typhoon Hagibis…
FP2 could very well focus on the grid utter for Sunday's speed looking out for the disruption brought about by the appearance of Typhoon Hagibis. Survey highlights ⬇️ # JapaneseGP ?? # F1
– System 1 (@ F1) October 11 ), 2019
The quiet ahead of the storm…
Raise up with the utter bits from FP1 # JapaneseGP ?? # F1
– System 1 (@ F1) October 550 , 2019
Bottas the fastest, in the case of qualification waivers, first order for Mercedes
F1 Suzuka: If there are no qualifications, they will the results of the second free training