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level 1
Sounds to me like Steiner is polite, but actually doesn’t want to touch it with a 10 foot pole.
level 2
That’s most probable but I can’t help but think there are easier ways of a polite negative response rather than “we don’t know what they want”. Because I’m pretty sure Kubica would like a seat for 2020.
level 2
I’d say the Pole in question is more like 6 feet.
level 1
Haas even thinking about Kubica over Grosjean/Hulkenberg scares me
level 2
Money is money. A few months ago there were some rumors that Kubica’s sponsors were trying to get him a seat at Haas for 2020. If/when Hulk and Grosjean can’t bring the same level of financial backing as Kubica, well…
I still think Hulkenberg will get the seat but wouldn’t be terribly surprised if they signed Kubica. Remember, this is the team that agreed to make Rich Energy their title sponsor.
level 1
Although i don’t think it will happen it would a be nice story & end to his career to get to drive a black & gold car that’s hopefully competitive since he got denied that in 2011 by his rally crash.
level 2
Ferrari is black and gold ???
level 1
Nobody is taking him, he might get another year at Williams, but after this it’s game over.
level 1
What is he talking about? Haas already signed Kubica for 2020, they announce in September right u/Phalange1703? /s
level 1
That means Steiner is thinking about Kubica, but Kubica already has other plans?
level 2
That means Steiner is thinking about Kubica,
Nope, he is not thinking about him. His choice of drivers for 2020 will be decided between gro and hulk
level 2
#88 Robert Kubica
Original Poster2 points · 1 hour ago
Sounds like something outside of F1 maybe? Who knows.
level 1
Actually Kubica in Haas wouldn’t be that bad idea. Experienced driver with big sponsor – PKN Orlen – who could easily replace Poor Energy. It would be 20 mln $ solid driver with experience PR magnet. Honestly I believe that he in another machine than this shitcar from Williams would have at least similar results as Grosjean, but without going into his teammates car or crash on straight road.
level 2
That’s what I think as well. Financially he’s a much better option than Grosjean/Hulkenberg, and performance-wise the only thing we know for sure is that Russell is better than Kubica, which still doesn’t say much – Russell could be the next Hamilton, who knows? I think that with a good amount of money from Orlen, Haas will go for Kubica.
level 2
Where did you come up with 20 mln $? Afaik they’re paying Williams around 10, they couldn’t even secure title sponsorship and were beaten by a brand no one’s heard of before.
level 2
$ solid driver with experience
How’s that working out for Williams? ? Wehrlein deserves a seat at Haas more than Kubica does.
level 2
True that. Now I want this to happen!