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level 1
That Albon/Gasly photoshop tho..
level 2
Why do they even have to do that? Just keep it as it was, it’s part of history.
level 1
Here’s hoping we don’t get another grosjean incident at the start.
level 1
Honestly it’s the kind of grid where losing any of them would be so shattering. It’s such a memorable grid in terms of personalities imo.
level 2
I get what you’re saying but you would never say it’s not. Each one of them has family, friends and some impact in our own lives. Losing any driver from the period of me watching F1 would be shattering personally.
level 1
Haas didn’t get the hat memo?
level 2
Someone get KMag some sunglasses, he looks like he needs it
level 2
they dont have one for keven’s massive head
level 1
I leave money for the F1 fairy under my pillow. To each their own
level 1
[OT] So wait, what’s up with this photo?
I see this is taken in Melbourne and then someone has swapped the heads of Gasly and Albon. Is this from some official source or what?
level 1
I like how most of them don’t know how to pick sunglasses that suit their face.
level 2
Of course, the French guy in Grojean, and the Italian in Gio know how.
level 1
Is that Gasley next to Kvyatt? Looks like a 6’2 bodybuilder with the face of a 40 year old. Not a 5’9 150 pound kid
level 2
I kinda thought it was Kubica at first
level 2
It’s Gasly’s head on the demigod Albon’s body. That’s why.
level 1
It’s never quite been the same since Suzuka 2014. It doesn’t help that I’ve not really got a team or driver to support but it’s harder to enjoy when you’ve seen people die for what is essentially our entertainment.
level 2
It is not essentially for our entertainment, most of them get paid millions to do what they are doing, it’s their job. Also it’s sports, they are there to win, not to make an entertaining show.
level 2
Think of it this way: if nobody was watching, they’d still be doing it. Our entertainment is only a side plus to the main reason racers do it, which is because that’s their life. Hubert was living the dream of his life, something a lot of people don’t get to achieve, ever.