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level 2
These things are more for the people at the track tbh…
level 2
In front of your TV, usually no, but it’s cool for people who are at the track. It works pretty well in Indycar for example.
level 1
This is silly haha. I’d rather they just put neons under the cars
level 2
Need For Speed : Formula Underground ?
level 1
Who else likes making F1 cars even heavier than they already are for NO reason?? 😀
level 1
Hooray for more unsprung weight!
level 1
Night race. Turn off all street lights. Only with these rim lights. Cool shit.
level 1
This is stupid, but it looks awesome
level 1
Has someone been watching tron?
level 1
So in 2021 Formula 1 will no longer be about speed?
level 1
hopefully they won’t block brake discs
level 1
2020 will be the end of a generation of good looking F1 cars.
level 1
Gaming computers are starting to grow out of the christmas tree phase and F1 is just entering it…
level 1
Noo please, introduce all these thing to formula e