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level 1
-0.420 gap to P2. That was a brilliant lap from Seb.
level 1
Only Non-Mercedes pole position of that season.
level 1
Seb was so good in 2015. Definitely in his top 3 seasons for me along with 2011 and 2013.
level 2
2008 as well. Probably the greatest season performance at Toro Rosso.
level 1
Ahh the SF15-T, what a lovely sound it made from the onboards.
level 1
Seb was so close to the Mercedes boys at that stage of the championship.
level 2
He was actually ahead of Rosberg with 3 races left in the season. That was an absolute insane performance over the year and was the origin of the Ham Ros Vet memes.
level 1
I still prefer his lap from 2017
level 2
This is another insane lap. Even keeping in mind the faster car and all, I still believe that 2015 was better. Also, I think he had a contact with the wall towards the end.
level 1
Sweet lap, and I gotta say, sweet sound.
level 1
It looks like he’s cornering in slow motion compared to today’s cars
level 1
Thats an absolute mega lap. One of the best Q3 laps I have seen and probably better than Hamilton’s last year. Every time, he had to kiss the curb, he went far beyond the white lines and was probably around 1-2 cm from the wall each time.
level 2
You can’t compare them.
Lewis had hypersoft tyres and a 2018 regulation car.
Seb had supersofts and a 2015 regulation car. They both absolutely got everything out of their car.
level 2
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