Slightly different DeepL translation:
GOOD NEWS ABOUT THE HEALTH OF JUAN MANUEL! Juan’s mom posted this information on her Facebook a few moments ago. London Thursday 8pm Extremely happy to be able to report that JuanMa did it today! JM is without a fan and has been breathing on his own for some hours now. He is still with a very high level of sedation but semiconscious. All his breathing and vital signs indicators are very good. And as the hours go by the risk of having to return to the ventilator disappears. Doctors and ICU staff still don’t understand how a patient who was connected to an ECMO less than 24 hours ago is now breathing without the help of a ventilator. As it doesn’t surprise me, this is the result of teamwork. JuanMa did his part and all of you did yours. The immense amount of positive thoughts and prayers in favor of JuanMa is like having the whole Grand Stand doing bar in your favor. The result could only be this. There are too many people to thank, and too many lessons to share through a simple message from WhatsApp.
Our hearts have been touched in a thousand and one ways as a result of this experience. It is only fair that we honor that in the right way at the right time. I’m sure JuanMa will agree with me. In the next few days I am sure it will be JuanMa himself who will keep you informed of his progress. The first surgery on his right leg should occur no later than next week. Once your body is ready. Once again THANK YOU