level 2
Almost definitely in regards to the in regards to the identical as it looked 2 years previously. Now not mighty has changed.
level 1
I am hoping they make a selection the sad and factual change the gold with crimson. I conception the white/grey schemes were very generic having a glance.
level 1
I am hoping so, that old college grey and crimson livery turned into as soon as so classy having a glance
level 2
Haas 2018 livery turned into as soon as an absolute beauty, in my conception. Hope we fetch a identical having a glance car this year.
level 2
I in fact most neatly-liked their industrial glance.
For my portion mediate this years livery turned into as soon as ethical insensible
level 2
The 2016 and 2018 white looked greater than the 2017 grey imo
level 1
Please no longer primer grey any other time! That turned into as soon as essentially the most generic and insensible livery on the grid.
level 1
I could maybe well revel in a sad/crimson digital camo scheme extra or less love what they did with the 41 cup car. It will indubitably pop out.
level 2
That is liable to be awesome. I cherished that scheme. Hope they follow it for Cole this year.
level 2
Electrifying. I want this.
level 1
OH YEAH! Effectively off Vitality can suck my nuts!
level 1
I wish they’d hang factual dropped the gold and long gone paunchy sad when they split with Effectively off Vitality.
level 1
I love their 2018 livery nonetheless on the otherhand the exposed carbon looked awesome this year.
level 1
I mean, why wouldn’t they be changing. They’re no longer being subsidized by a sure mythical energy drink price.
level 1
Painting the decks of the tremendous