stage 1

When this form of dominant automotive corresponding to the mercedes on Abu Dhabi takes that long to overtake a renault that it’s likely you’ll aloof be insane no longer to desire DRS

stage 2

I voted in opposition to it but no longer because I disagree with you.

I actual judge the “soiled air grunt” wants to be fixed so we would per chance be aware some nearer racing.

Because it stands it’s a needed “heinous” with the modern complications if following intently.

stage 2

Exactly. Of us stammer it’s “artificial” racing but with out it you barely receive any racing in any respect.

stage 1

I create no longer know what persons are on as soon as they stammer they most in style the racing with out DRS, because there wasn’t the truth is any racing, it became extremely slow.

stage 1

I judge DRS is serious. It be been segment of the game for years now. It be segment of F1’s DNA. F1 with out DRS would no longer feel savor F1 to me.

stage 2

No longer the truth is. DRS wants to be extinct as a instrument. The modern vehicles possess disaster overtaking each different as a result of loss in downforce. DRS is extinct as a instrument to succor the overtake.

If the 2021 vehicles attain as promised and overtakes with DRS become too easy then it wants to be disabled.

stage 2

It be no longer segment of the DNA for these which were looking at the game for decades.

stage 1

Then DRS wants to be switched off 51% of the time to protect people ecstatic ?

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