level 1

Moreover noticed Bernie Ecclestone there

level 2

Gerhard Berger is there aswell

level 2

Sebastian Vettel is additionally there

level 1

I do know the girl within the heart is his gf, but Max looks to be admire he is third wheeling in this image.

Moreover if Alex calm does’t know how to ski, I hope we behold this all every other time.

level 2

He’s either bored or freezing. Mittens and scarfs are for losers /s

level 1

Danill is having a factual time and is about to amass his coat of while max is freezing his ass off. ?

level 1

The Gigatorpedo is true vibin, being faded to these conditions meanwhile Verstappen is shivering admire it is the North Pole

level 1

Is Verstappen obligated to position on RB stuff your whole time? Does he pick up more money that device? Absolutely must get more garments in his wardrobes

level 2

He’s additionally having a contend with gstar. So its either of these.

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