Yo this blog is a gem. It’s mad how Pierre talks about Hubert, Leclerc and Ocon as friends and 14 years later they are all in F1
Edit: I’m digging through the blog and there is gold. From what I’m reading Gasly, Hubert and Ocon raced a lot together. Funny bit, at the end of this page, Pierre (I think it’s actually one of his parent writing, not sure) is renting about Ocon:
As Esté’s dad can’t handle his son being catch up 10 seconds in 11 laps, he filed a claim to the commission saying I stole positions at the start. It was easy, at the start there were at least 10 karts in the grass!! For that, they DQ me, I think that they should have DQ everyone who wasn’t at their positions. Even if I didn’t got my trophy, I still know that I was the fastest!!!!!!
Here is a photo of a Hubert, Gasly, Ocon podium
Edit2: photo of Gasly, Hubert, Ocon and others at a training camp in 2010.