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level 1
I purchased this on amazon a few weeks back for my 8 month old son. Stock it came with flames and a number 2 sticker. Being a Ferrari fan I immediately got a bunch of stickers made to try and mimic the Ferrari. I even got a mission winnow sticker?
level 2
Mission winnow! Omg tobacco marketing to babies! How dare you!? /S
Don’t show me this stuff, lol. I have to look for baby things now and this is too cool!
level 2
Youngest member of the Ferrari Drivers academy.
level 1
Now i know what to buy when my wife gets pregnant!
level 2
I’m not sure your wife would fit in one of these, especially if she’s pregnant.
level 2
Me too and I don’t even have a girlfriend lol
level 2
Get it now and drop the hint lol! It was $50 and when he pulls back on the shifter it makes acceleration noises
level 1
That’s badass. You gotta start them young.
level 2
Heck yea. Can’t wait to enjoy the races with him.
level 1
Make sure he doesn’t lock up the wheels.
level 2
He’s like vettel. Constantly crashing into things
level 1
“No, bebby, you will not have de milcc.”
level 1
Make sure parc ferma n place