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level 1

He is trying to prove to Max that you indeed can end up in sea.

level 2

Someone tell Alex thats the long way

Hes going to have to go through Victoria Theatre

level 2

“What if I go right instead of left?”

level 1

Those bumps left him with way too much speed going in.

level 1

I imagine these crashes, no matter how minor, must feel the worst for a driver where they’re braking and braking and the wall just keeps getting bigger and bigger with so much distance until the moment of impact that it gives you enough time to actually almost think coherently and shit yourself worrying whether you’ll wreck the car or not.

level 1

The 5yr old I am watching FP2 with when this happened said “don’t worry Alex, it’s just a baby boop”

level 1

Can somebody edit a *doink* sound effect at the end of the video?

level 1

Good moment to test out the barriers.

level 1

Comment deleted by user2 hours ago(More than 2 children)

level 2

What platform are you on? On the reddit app streamable is clunky and takes 3 clicks to watch a video, whereas this video only takes 1 click and plays instantly

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