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level 1
In constant amazement at how fast this stuff gets done
level 1
Best F1 edit in a long time.. if not ever.
level 1
I was dying at the subtle“Mamma Mia” when Vettel spins at Ascari
level 1
Made me laugh, take my upvote
level 1
Amazing, lost it at the Albon powerup
level 1
Please dont ever stop doing these
level 1
When you think about it, Max with Star Power is absolutely terrifying…
level 1
Wonderful stuff, i am amazed with the work, keep it up!!
level 1
This is amazing! Great job with the editing.
level 1
What is up with the dude in the white shirt from Ferrari’s garage. How they kept zooming/panning to him during the post race was cringeworthy.
level 1
Omg this has me dying!! I need one of these for every race.